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so i thought that id put out this song wi=hich basicly describes me.
I want forgivness afte facing what i have done everyday and night and holding my regrets.
I forgive everyone but my self.
Anyway im working on a few prodjects that are sure to be a success.
also if youve avoided getting burnt in the flame war between me and windowskillet and HDXmike one im suprised you arnt toast from the raginf fire yet,
And two we have called a truce.
Thats right no more fighting sorry trolls who like to watch flame wars i really am but still...
GTFO trolls.
If your still reading this enjoy the song and please do reveiw my art;)
Ur art kinda sucks
yeah i dont know gow detailed i can get with schroogy cause hes a gray blob y'know.
i think some of my other art was ok though.
i also think im getting better a making newposts what do you think